Reclaiming our Original Motherline of Love
From the origins of life, we share our sacred stardust* with our beloved kindred. We are entangled with the entire universe in intimate ecology and we embody relationships with all our relatives, through the Motherline of MotherBaby MotherEarth. We hold the origins of life and its future in our bodies.
Women are life-givers of care, nurturance and compassion. We act to protect life in all its forms. We invoke the guidance of Indigenous women who have an unbroken connection with the origins of creation and are gifting the world with their ancestral wisdom.
We offer places and make recommendations for your community to deal with trauma and suffering, grief, and collective healing in our Peace Womb Rooms under the auspices of Divine Mothers Love. We can and will honor all life as the embodiment of Light and Love. Our voices will become stronger when we realize what we are made of and who we are. We will offer and recommend song, dance, talking circles, and ceremony for healing and joy.
We sponsor actions that are grounded in MotherLove with values of protection, reverence, deep healing, and devotion to transcend the current paradigm of destruction and harm. We move toward ‘right relationship’ in all aspects of human life. Indigenous wisdom and practices are an invaluable resource.
We join with future generations, allies and aligned entities in becoming deeply loving humans as we work to transform and redeem our world. We are decolonizing our hearts and becoming Beloved Ancestors to our future generations. We gather in the collective matrix, take actions, stand up, speak out, be visible, at risk, courageous. [Did you know that Matrix means Womb?]
“...peace is the wholeness created by right relationships
with oneself, other persons, other cultures, other life, Earth, and the larger
whole of which all are a part.” ~Earth Charter