Primary & Aligned Organizations


Divine Mothers Love

Women everywhere envision a flourishing Planet where Love’s joy, beauty, peace, harmony and celebration abound. We cherish and treasure our Mother Earth in all her majesty. We cherish and treasure humanity in the truth of our divinity: ancient and sovereign – imperishable and everlasting. We thrive in enlightening partnership with all of creation and the expanding cosmos.

Four Worlds International Institute

The vision of all ancient prophecies is that a New Global Civilization is inevitable. A New Global Civilization will be manifested when there is a shared commitment to placing the common good ahead of any national, ethnic, religious, or selfish interests. The full consciousness and acceptance of the Oneness of the Human Family is the fundamental prerequisite for the reorganization and administration of the world as one and to establish peace on earth.
The concept and understanding of the Oneness of Humankind, deeply anchored in all First Nations Teachings, is a spiritual truth that all the human sciences including anthropology, physiology, and psychology now confirm.
This New Global Civilization, in the process of emerging, is only possible when the voices, the wisdom, and the vision of Indigenous Peoples are justly and respectfully represented and whose ancient wisdom is truly heard, understood and acted upon by all members of the Human Family.

"The Red Nation shall rise again, and it shall be a blessings for a sick world. A world filled with broken promises, selfishness and separation. A world longing for a light again. I see a time of Seven Generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the Sacred Tree of Life and the Whole Earth will become one circle again."

~ Tȟašúŋke Witkó - Crazy Horsee

EcoBirth-Women for Earth and Birth

Uniting the earth and birth movements for the well-being of our world. 
EcoBirth’s Deep Womb Ecology

Realizing our maternal lines back to the beginning of the cosmos is our reclaimed story of creation and redemption. We women come from a long history of oppression and we feel the deep trauma of Mother Earth in our cells. 
Like in birth labor, we can yield to our body’s innate knowing, to open, 
to birth our beauty and compassion and as bearers of the future generations in our wombs, claim our sacred and joyous authority to care for, protect and bless all life. 
As a collective matrix, we form a world reflecting our ancestral kinship 
of healing, nurturance and well-being, loving MotherBaby MotherEarth.

Waking Up to Our Own History

We as Christians have a responsibility to understand our role in today's planetary and moral crisis.
How do we redeem our own spiritual lineage embedded in a history of patriarchy and white supremacy in order to act in right relationship with all creation and with our beloved Mother Earth?How do we redeem our own spiritual lineage embedded in a history of patriarchy and white supremacy in order to act in right relationship with all creation and with our beloved Mother Earth?

Aligned Networks

Monterey Bay Meditation Studio with Marianne Rowe

How are we learning to be in today's world?
How do we navigate living in uncertainty, change, and collapse?
The challenges of today’s world are like giant mindfulness bells, calling us to wake up, grow up, and show up with wisdom and compassion, with strength and skillfulness, with access to purposefulness and community.

MBMS offers what is needed to meet and navigate personal and global healing through restructuring, transformation, and evolution:
Monterey Bay: depth, complexity, resilience, regeneration, diversity of life forms, unknown/unknowable, sea change, tidal rhythms, relationships of reciprocity, upwelling (nourishment from the deep), ecotones (transition zones), currents, ecosystems
Meditation: presence, clarity, compassion, equanimity, non-judgmentalness, awareness, openness
Studio: practice, learning/unlearning, growth, community, discovery, experience, creativity, connection …Our free online community is where we gather for Ongoing Connection | Meaningful discussion threads | Sharing of resources | Collaboration | Groups focusing on specific topics or actions. 
We invite you to join us.

Deep Transformation Network with Jeremy Lent

This is an online community for people who recognize that our civilization is in existential crisis—and who want to engage with others in facilitating a deep transformation toward a life-affirming future on a regenerated Earth.
It invites open-hearted, caring, and curious folk, engaged citizens, and changemakers from around the world to come together in helping catalyze the deep transformation our global society needs. It welcomes people from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, and cultural traditions who share a desire to collaborate in co-creating a flourishing future for all humanity and for the nonhuman relatives with whom we share the Earth.
The community’s origins arose from those attracted to the writings of Jeremy Lent, author of The Patterning Instinct and The Web of Meaning. However, it aspires to become a self-organized, nurturing network for everyone engaged in the collective process of planetary regeneration.



Our vision is a world where peace, sustainability, and interconnectedness are not ideals, but lived realities. Through the fusion of Indigenous wisdom with contemporary action, we aim to catalyze a global movement dedicated to the health of our planet and the harmony of its inhabitants. This vision is underpinned by the understanding that every individual has a role to play in the tapestry of life, and together, we can craft a future that honors this sacred connection.

Aligned Orgs

The Sacred Earth Council

The Sacred Earth Council is emerging through dreams, visions, and synchronicities as a self-organized circle of diverse participants who share a commitment of service to humankind, Mother Earth, and all beings that inhabit her and grounded in a sense of the sacredness of all things. The council welcomes participation by individuals from all spiritual traditions and is open to all who feel a call to participate.

Birth, Spirituality and Healing

I know that you know that birth and giving birth affects our entire lives. You are here because you know parents, mothers, babies and perinatal professionals can be honored and supported with love and presence. You know birth and ancestral imprints can be healed and integrated.​You know that Lifegivers and Nourishment givers are the sacred keepers of Thriving Life on our Planet for all beings, not just humans.
You know that your personal and your professional paths can entwine more fully. You know that Integrative Health practices are effective and support healthy outcomes for you, your community, your colleagues and the systems you work within.

Project Adapt

Where do you feel reverence? Staring at the stars? Hearing the “hush” that permeates a cave or cathedral? Digging in the soil, singing a lullaby, or scaling a mountain? When reverence shows up, it places us within the family of all beings. It calls us home and propels us to care for future generations. It’s also very grounding as we strive to become more adaptive!

MotherLaw/Complicit No More

It’s time for a different way of being. In the face of fascism, climate collapse, genocidal empires, and democratic breakdown, we are called to remove our consent from the domination codes imprinted on our communities, our psyches, our relationships, and our societal systems — and to place it, instead, at the service of nurturing Life.
In recent years, through our collaboration with Indigenous women and elders, and specifically with Haudenosaunee women, we have received the mandate and call to be Complicit No More and realign ourselves with Mother Law — that is, to once again protect and nurture the thriving of life on our planet.
Mother Law and Complicit No More — teachings and initiatives originating with our movement elders and advisors Mommabear Wakerakats:te (Mohawk) and Michelle Schenandoah (Oneida) —are antidotes to the tangled mess we live in because of colonialism, capitalism, patriarchy, and a Christianity that has been appropriated by empire. 
Whether or not we are women or mothers ourselves, there is a certain force that we all know as mother-ness — and it has been dislodged from its seat of authority in our culture. Now is the time to take it back.

Canticle Farm

Join email list of Canticle Farm google groupCanticle Farm is an urban garden, educational center and community of intention, experimenting at the intersections of faith-based, social-justice-based, and Earth-based nonviolent activism.
We live in eight houses around a large garden in the Fruitvale District of Oakland, California. We are working to heal and transform historical and present-day trauma across difference, especially that of race, gender, class, religion and age.
We act as a platform for The Great Turning – the planetary shift from an industrial-growth society to a life-sustaining society – which is served by Canticle Farm through our local work and support of national and international movements for social and environmental justice.
How will Canticle Farm achieve our goal of facilitating the Great Turning? We remain deeply committed to and operate from core values of community, service, spirituality, nonviolence, regeneration, simplicity and healing of historical divides. We manifest these values by providing a platform for the teaching and sharing of those skills, technologies and practices most likely to create a resilient community in the 21st century.
Anne Symens-Bucher of Canticle Farm in Oakland talks about her formation as a Franciscan Catholic and how it moves her to be involved in Indigenous solidarity today  10 minutes Start 51:13 to 1 hour.

Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples

What would right relationship among Native and non-Native peoples of North America look like? How can we begin to take steps in that direction in our communities, places of worship, schools, and other institutions? The Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples (TRR) program promotes education, reflection, dialogue, and action in response to these queries.

The Work that Reconnects Network

The Work That Reconnects helps people around the world discover and experience their innate connections with each other and the self-healing powers of the web of life, transforming despair and overwhelm into inspired, collaborative action.

1000 Grandmothers

We are elder women and allies stepping up to the urgency of the climate crisis. We act in support of the rights of Native Americans and other frontline communities. We believe that we cannot address the climate crisis without addressing systemic racism. That is what climate justice means to us. 1000 Grandmothers allows us to augment our individual voices and impact by providing opportunities to act collectively. We find ways to use the particular influence of our being generational grandmothers to strengthen the Climate Justice Movement. Our Principles include collective nonviolent action, community building and kindness.

Elders Action Network

WELCOME to a community of thousands of elders who are taking action to create a better world for our grandchildren, future generations, and all life. We are concerned about what we see happening all around us – and, we are doing something about it! In our workshops and conversations we explore the critical issues that keep us awake at night – climate change, our floundering democracy, social injustices, and the need for a new, regenerative way of living. Then we move into action, putting to good use our talents, time, resources, and decades of life experience

Revolutionary Love Project

Newsletter. Sign up here.

The Revolutionary Love Project envisions a world where love is a public ethic and shared practice in our lives and politics. We generate stories, tools, and thought leadership to equip people to practice the ethic of love in the fight for social justice.

Founding Mothers Movement

We stand at the dawn of a new era. As Founding Mothers, we are united in our commitment to Partnership and Peace as the two pillars of a just and harmonious world. We proclaim that Partnership and Peace are not mere abstractions, but the very fabric of our existence as one human family in sacred relationship with Mother Earth. As we embark on this journey, we are guided by the wisdom that unity in diversity and our collective destiny are inextricably linked.

Mennonite Decolonizing Coalition- open to all

    Stories-of-Repair-DDofD-Coalition-05-2021 (1).pdf

Reconciliation Rising 

is a multimedia project that showcases the lives and work of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in the U.S. who are engaged in honestly confronting painful and traumatic histories, promoting meaningful and respectful dialogue between Natives and non-Natives, and creating pathways to reconciliation.